The Fifth International Conference on Smart City Applications is a multidisciplinary forum co-organized by the Computer Engineering Department of Karabuk University (KBÜ) in the partnership with Mediterranean Association of Sciences and Technologies (Medi-AST). Since the current situation, this year, SCA will take place as VIRTUAL / ONLINE from 07 to 09 October 2020. The event aims to bring together research scientists and engineers to discuss and exchange both experimental and theoretical results, novel designs, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the area of smart cities. The conference covers any topic with an intersection with smart cities, including geo-smart information systems, education, healthcare, economy and digital business, building and home automation, environment and agriculture, and information technologies and computer science. The Conference encourages submission of original works presenting novel research results and new products or concepts are encouraged for submission. But also works in progress.
All accepted papers will be published as a Chapter in the Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems LNNS Book Series (SCOPUS indexed) OR as a Full Paper or Extended Abstract (Short Paper) in the ISPRS Archives (SCOPUS, ISI-CPCI, and DOAJ indexed) depending on the author's preference.
Extended selected papers are published as a chapters in the Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 1
OpenExtended selected papers are published as a chapters in the Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 2
OpenExtended selected papers are published as a chapters in the Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3
Wednesday October 07
, 2020 (UTC+3) |
09h00-09h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Welcome Talk:
09h30-10h15 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alias Abdul Rahman , Universiti Technologi Malaysia, Malaysia "Smart Cities and Geo-Spatial Technologies " Session moderated by Prof. İsmail Rakıp Karaș Meet Link: |
10h15-11h00 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Şule Erten Ela , Ege University, Türkiye "Smart Cities and Energy" Session moderated by Prof. Boudhir Anouar Abdelhakim Meet Link: |
11h00-11h45 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bülent Bayram , Yildiz Technical University, Türkiye "Deep learning applications for shoreline extraction from Landsat and Sentinel satellite Imagery" Session moderated by Prof. Bernadetta Kwintiana Ane Meet Link: |
11h45-12h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah , Karakoram International University, Pakistan "Review Use of Modern Technologies in creating Smart Cities " Session moderated by Prof. Rani EL MEOUCHE, ESTP, Paris Meet Link: Meet Link: |
Break |
14h00-15h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Session 1 |
Session 2 |
Session 3 |
Session 4 |
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15h45-17h15 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Session 5 |
Session 6 |
Session 7 |
Session 8 |
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17h30-19h00 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Session 9 |
Session 10 |
Session 11 |
Session 12 |
Thursday October 08
, 2020 |
Turkiye Time (UTC+3) | Session 13 |
Session 14 |
Session 15 |
Session 16 |
Break |
Turkiye Time (UTC+3) | Session 17 |
Session 18 |
Session 19 |
Session 20 |
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Turkiye Time (UTC+3) | Session 21 |
Session 22 |
Session 23 |
Session 24 |
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Turkiye Time (UTC+3) | Session 25 |
Session 26 |
Session 27 |
Session 28 |
Turkiye Time (UTC+3) | Session 29 |
Session 30 |
Break |
18h30-19h00 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) |
Conference Closure Meet Link: |
Session 1 : Smart City 1; Chair: Prof. Domingos SANTOS, IPCB Portugal Meet Link: |
50: Conceptual Model Of 3d Asset Management Based On Myspata To Support Smart City Application In Malaysia Amalin A'ishah Mohd Nasir, Suhaibah Azri, Uznir Ujang |
51: Exploratory Study Of 3d Point Cloud Triangulation For Smart City Modelling And Visualization Shakirah Amirah Mohd Ariff, Suhaibah Azri, Uznir Ujang |
79: Activity Recognition For Ambient Sensing Data And Rule Based Anomaly Detection Ehsan Seyedkazemi Ardebili, Süleyman Eken*, Kerem Küçük |
55: Understanding Of Smart Cities, Digital Cities And Intelligent Cities: Similarities And Differences Duygu Çinar Umdu, Ebru Alakavuki |
63: Leveraging Maturity Assessment To Choose The Right Applications For Smart Cities: Turkey's Approach seyin Bayraktar, Dursun Yıldırım Bayar, Bestami Kara, Gökhan Bilgin |
64: National Smart Cities Strategy And Action Plan: The Turkey's Smart Cities Approach Eda Soylu Sengör, Harun Badem, Hakan Güven, Dursun Yıldırım Bayar |
Session 2 : Smart Waste Management 1; Chair: Asst. Prof. Dr. Omar Dakkak, Karabuk University, Türkiye Meet Link: |
33: A New Approach To Manage Domestic Wastewater In Smart City Aziz Taouraout, Abdelkader Chahlaoui, Driss BELGHYTI, Imane TAHA, Moamed Lachhab |
69: Environmental Challenges Of Solid Waste Management In Moroccan Cities Ayoub El Atmani, Isslam Belhaili, Khadija El Kharrim, Douae El Khachine, Driss Belghyti |
178: Recent trends in Green Computing Surayya Obaid, Hiba Tariq, Narmeen Bawany, Aimun Tahir |
70: Physico-Chemical And Mineralogical Characterization Of The Residual Sludge From The Tamuda Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant Tétouan, Morocco Douae El Khachine, Isslam Belhaili, Salah Ait-Si, Ayoub El Atmani, Khadija El Kharrim, Driss Belghyti |
71: Evaluation Of The Purification Performance Of The Purification Station (Wwtp) By Aered Lagunage Of The City Of Oujda (Morocco) Isslam Belhaili, Khadija El Kharrim, Ali Alemad, Ayoub El Atmani, Touria Aissati |
Session 3 : Social Media Analysis 1; Chair: Prof. Yassine ELYUSSFI FSTT Morooco Meet link: |
19: Sentiment Analysis And Opinion Mining Using Deep Learning For The Reviews On Google Play Sercan Sari, Murat Kalender |
75: A New Sentiment Analysis System Of Climate Change For Smart City Governance Based On Deep Learning Mustapha Lydiri, Yousef El Mourabit, Youssef EL HABOUZ |
85: Topic Modeling And Sentiment Analysis With Lda And Nmf On Moroccan Tweets Nassera HABBAT, Houda ANOUN, Larbi HASSOUNI |
192: Structural Similarity Measure Of Users Profiles Based On A Weighted Bipartite Graphs Ibtissam Elachkar, Hind ouzif, El Houssine Labriji |
99: Sentiment Analysis. A Comparative Of Machine Learning And Fuzzy Logic In The Study Case Of Brexit Sentiment On Social Media Ihab Moudhich, Soumaya Loukili, Abdelhadi Fennan |
Session 4 : Covid-19 1 ; Chair: Asst. Prof. Dr. Yüksel Çelik, Karabuk University, Türkiye Meet Link: |
3: A Framework For Concurrent Contact-Tracing And Digital Evidence Analysis In Heterogenous Environments Stacey Baror, H S Venter, Victor Kebande |
57: Covid-19 Patient Classification Strategy Using A Hybrid Bwm-Svm Model Samira Achki, Layla Aziz |
97: A Smart Surveillance Prototype Ensures The Respect Of Social Distance During Covid19 Ikram Ben abdel ouahab, lotfi elaachak, Fatiha Elouaai, Mohammed Bouhorma |
44: Smart Pandemic Management Through A Smart, Resilient And Flexible Decision-Making System Zineb Boudanga, Mezzour ghita, Siham Benhadou |
36:Internet Of Things For Smart Healthcare : A Review On A Potential Iot Based System And Technologies To Control Covid-19 Pandemic Mohamed Ennafiri, Tomader Mazri |
Session 5 : Smart Waste Management 2; Chair: Prof. Olga Sergeyeva Saint Petersburg University Russia Meet Link: |
93: Prediction Of Pollutant Concentrations By Meteorological Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms Kezban Alpan, Boran Sekeroglu |
107: Study Of The Purification Performance Of The Natural Lagunating Technique Of The Purification Station Of The City Of Outat El Haj – Morocco Hassan ECH-CHAFAY |
307: Mathematical Modelling of pollution filtration through thin Random fissures between two porous media Mhamed EL MERZGUIOUI and Mustapha EL JARROUDI |
180: Concrete Recycling: Social And Environmental Technical Gain For Smart Cities Khaoula NAOUAOUI, Azzeddine BOUYAHYAOUI, Toufik Cherradi |
171: Exploitation Of The Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant By Activated Sludge In The Airport Area Of The City Ben Slimane (Morocco) Mohamed NAJY, Fatima Zahra TALBI, Hassan ECH-CHAFAY, Moamed Lachhab, Mohamed El Qryefy, Driss BELGHYTI |
202: Indexing Approach For The Evaluation Of Heavy Metals In Drinking Water Produced By A Moroccan Water Treatment Plant Abderrahman ACHHAR, Mohamed NAJY, Driss BELGHYTI, El mehdi AL IBRAHIMI |
20: Typological study of the water of the Boufekrane River (Meknes, Morocco) Imane TAHA, Abdelkader Chahlaoui, Mustapha Samih, Driss Bengoumi, Aziz Taouraout, Khadija Ouarrak, Rachid Sammoudi |
Session 6 : Smart City 2; Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adib Habbal, Karabuk University, Türkiye Meet Link: |
77: Cma-Ev: A Context Management Architecture Extended By Event And Variability Management Zineb AARAB, Asmae El Ghazi, Rajaa SAIDI, Moulay Driss RAHMANI |
145: Planning And Designing Smart Sustainable Cities: The Centrality Of Citizens Engagement Sukaina Al-Nasrawi |
161: Territorial Competitiveness And Smart City: Benchmarking Analysis Of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Cairo, And Rabat khadija AHOUZI, Hicham ASSYAKH, Latifa NAIT HADDOU, Abdelaziz MESSAOUADI |
181: Towards Green Smart Cities: Importance Of Urban Forestry And Urban Vegetation Zennure Ucar, Abdullah Emin Akay, Ebru Bilici |
223: Application Of Exploratory Spatial Techniques In The Identification Of Tourism Hotspots In The Aegean Region Of Turkey Asma Rafique, Ismail Rakip Karas, Sohaib K.M Abujayyab, Ashfak Ahmad Khan |
121: Electronic public services in the AI era Hajar HADI |
Session 7 : Iot Technologies And Connectivity Architectures ; Chair: Prof. Rachid SAADANE EHTPC Morocco Meet Link: |
18: Design And Realization Of An Iot Prototype For Location Remote Monitoring Via A Web Application IRID Sidi Mohammed Hadj, Hadjila Mourad, ADARDOUR Haroun Errachid, NOUALI Ibrahim Yassine |
183: Operating Models Of Network Protocols Iot : Long-Range Protocols Sakina Elhadi, Abdelaziz Marzak, Nawal SAEL |
204: A Multimodal Memes Classification: A Survey And Open Research Issues Tariq Habib Afridi, aftab alam, Muhammad Numan Khan, Jawad Khan, Young-Koo Lee |
398: Development of an alert message dissemination protocol based on fuzzy logic approach to improve VANET road safety Aziz MAHBOUB |
198: Introduction To Integrate The Cellular Automata Concept Within The Internet Of Things: The Use Of The Dynamic Management Of Bridge Approach Fatima Zahra CHAFI, Youssef FAKHRI |
158: A Review On Indoor Localization With Internet Of Things Chaimaa Basri, Ahmed Elkhadimi |
Session 8 : Social Media Analysis 2; Chair: Asst. Prof. Dr. Caner Ozcan, Karabuk University, Türkiye Meet Link : |
200: A Novel Approach Of Community Detection Using Association Rules Learning : Application To Users' Friendship Of Online Social Networks Mohamed EL-MOUSSAOUI, Mohamed HANINE, Ali KARTIT, Tarik AGOUTI |
152: Temporal Sentiment Analysis Of Socially Important Locations Of Social Media Users alper ecemiş, Ahmet Şakir Dokuz, Mete Celik |
153: Arabic Sentiment Analysis Based On 1-D Convolutional Neural Network NOUHAILA BENSALAH, Ayad habib, ABDELLAH ADIB, ABDELHAMID IBN ELFAROUK |
109: Review of Learning-Based Techniques of Sentiment Analysis for Security Purposes Mohammed Boukabous, Mostafa AZIZI |
Session 9 : Natural Language Processing ; Chair: Prof. Anas EL HADDADI, ENSAH Morocco Meet Link: |
67: Seq2seq Vs Sketch Filling Structure For Natural Language To Sql Translation Karam Ahkouk, Mustapha Machkour, khadija majhadi, Rachid Mama |
169: Transformation Of Smart Text Processing: Emoji Classification For Arabic And Turkish Languages Burak Parlak |
160: Recognition Of Arabic Handwritten Text By Integrating N-Gram Model ASMAE LAMSAF, Mounir Aitkerroum, Siham Boulaknadel, Youssef FAKHRI |
205: Preprocessing Arabic Dialect For Sentiment Mining: State Of Art Zineb NASSR, Nawal SAEL, Faouzia BENABBOU |
Session 10 : Smart Modeling Systems ; Chair: Prof. wassila Mtalaa, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Meet Link: |
12 : Intersection Modeling Using Generalized Fuzzy Graph Coloring Sidina boudaakat, Mohamed Amine Basmassi, Ahmed REBBANI, Jihane ALAMI CHENTOUFI, Lamia BENAMEUR, Omar BOUATTANE |
28: Using The Total Exploratory Factor Analysis (T-Efa) As A Calibration Technique For Sleuth Model Ismail Ercument AYAZLI |
113: A Multi-Agent System Based On Mcdm Approach For Multi-Modal Transportation Problem Resolution Jihane LARIOUI, Abdeltif EL BYED |
112: A Novel Greedy Genetic Algorithm To Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problem Mohamed Amine Basmassi, Lamia BENAMEUR, Jihane ALAMI CHENTOUFI |
156: Numerical Simulation Of The Behavior Of High Density Polyethylene Under V Notch Rabiaa elkori, Abdelilah HACHIM, Amal Laamarti, Khalid Elhad |
177: A Review Of Anomalies Detection Based On Association Rules Techniques
Imane Sadgali, Nawal SAEL, Faouzia BENABBOU |
Session 11 : Smart Education & Intelligent Learning Systems 1 ; Chair: Prof. Abderrahim El MHOUTI FSTH Morocco Meet Link: |
4 : National University Of Uzbekistan On The Way To The Smart University Abdugapur Karimkhodjaev, Mukhtorali Nishonov |
14: Smart Pedagogical Knowledge Management Model For Higher Education Meriyem Chergui, Aziza Chakir, Hajar Mansouri & Adil Sayouti |
86: Smart Integration Of Evaluation Activities In The Framework Of Physical Optics Mooc (Mooc Uca-002) Of The Mun Platform Said MACHWATE, Ismail Mekkaoui Alaoui |
96: The Recommendation Of A Practical Guide For Doctoral Students Using Recommendation System Algorithms In The Education Field Oumaima STITINI, Omar BENCHAREF, Soulaimane KALOUN |
90: The Mobile Serious Game "Easy Html": Scenarios And Perspectives Chaimae MEFTAH, Asmaa Retbi, Samir BENNANI, Mohammed KHALIDI IDRISSI |
72: Design Students Viewpoint On Bim: A Preliminary Assessment Of The Indicators Dursun Furkan Capkin, Umit Isikdag*, Togan Tong |
Session 12 : Smart Earth & Smart Agriculture : Chair: Prof Dr Abdullah Emin Akay, Bursa Technical University, Türkiye Meet Link: |
49: Decisional Tree Models For Land Cover Mapping And Change Detection Based On Phenological Behaviors Badr-eddine Sebbar, Aicha MOUMNI, Abderrahman Lahrouni |
191: Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction Of Spatiotemporally Fused Satellite Images For Smart Agriculture Applications In A Heterogeneous Agricultural Region. Abdelaziz Htitiou, Abdelghani Boudhar, Youssef Lebrini, Tarik Benabdelouahab |
230: Land Surveying Studies in Building Control System for Smart Cities Guler Yalcin |
80: Study Of Climate Change During The Period (2009-2018) In The Region Of Sidi Slimane -Morocco.' SALAH AIT SI, AHMED CHABLI, DRISS BELGHYTI |
13: Visualising Urban Air Quality Using Aermod, Calpuff And Cfd Models: A Critical Review Nurfairunnajiha Ridzuan, Uznir Ujang, Suhaibah Azri, Liat Choon Tan |
81: IoTree: A Way towards Smart Plantation Tehreem Qamar, Surayya Obaid, Hiba Tariq, Aimun Tahir, Namrah Komal |
146: Diversity and seasonal occurrence of sand flies and the impact of climatic change in Aichoune locality, Central Morocco Fatima Zahra TALBI, Mohamed NAJY, Mouhcine Fadil, Nordine Nouayti, Abdelhakim El Ouali Lalami |
Session 13 : Deep Learning : Chair: Prof. Lotfi El ACHAAK FSTT Morocco Meet Link: |
78: Building Detection From Sar Images Using U-Net Deep Learning Model Recai Alper Emek, Nusret Demir |
222: Human Activity Recognition Based On Smartphone Sensor Data Using Cnn kenan ismail, Kasım Özacari |
94: Video Activity Recognition Based On Objects Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks Mounir Boudmagh, Adlen Kerboua, Mohammed Redjimi |
108: Convolutional Neural Network For Identifying Human Emotions With Different Head Poses Wafa MELLOUK, Wahida Handouzi |
211: Hand Pose Estimation Based on Deep Learning Marwane BEL-LAHCEN, El Arbi Abdellaoui Alaoui, Cédric Stéphane KOUMETIO TEKOUABOU |
159: A Survey On Deep Learning-Based Approaches To Estimation Of 3d Human Pose And Shape From Images For The Smart Environments Shadi Maleki Arasi, Ehsan Seyedkazemi Ardebili |
17: A comparative study between the most usable object detection methods based on deep convolutional neural networks Ayyoub Fakhari, Mohamed LAZAAR, Hicham Omara |
Session 14: Smart Mobility And Intelligent Infrasctructures 1;
Chair: Asst. Prof. Dr. Kasım Özacar, Karabuk University, Türkiye Meet Link: |
185: Last Mile Logistics In The Framework Of Smart Cities: A Typology Of City Logistics Schemes TÜRKAN MÜGE ÖZBEKLER, ARZU KARAMAN AKGÜL |
186: DSRC Vs LTE V2X For Autonomous Vehicle Connectivity KAWTAR JELLID, Tomader Mazri |
190: Evolutionary Heuristic For Avoiding Traffic Jams In Road Network Using A* Search Algorithm SAFA BELHAOUS, Soumia chokri, Sohaib Baroud, Mohammed Mestari, Khalid Bentalleb |
219: Determining Smart Intersections For Smart City Applications Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques Tuğrul URFALI, Abdurrahman EYMEN |
155: Encryption Issues In Traffic Control Systems In Smart Cities And Traffic Signal Control Optimization Diedon Bujari, Erke Aribas |
209: Parking availability prediction in Smart City El Arbi Abdellaoui Alaoui, Cédric Stéphane KOUMETIO TEKOUABOU |
Session 15 : 3D Modelling & Augmented Reality1; Chair: Prof. Ait Kbir Mhamed FSTT Morocco Meet Link: |
23: Scan-To-Bim Workflow Applied To The Heritage Conservation. Case Of Bab Mansour In Meknes, Morocco Sofia Hakdaoui, Anas Emran, Alfred Homère Ngandam Mfondoum |
203: Segmentation-based 3D Point Cloud Classification on a Large-Scale and Indoor Semantic Segmentation Dataset Ali Saglam, Nurdan Akhan Baykan |
27: Post-Earthquake 3d Building Model (Lod2) Generation From Uas Imagery: The Case Of Vrisa Traditional Settlement, Lesvos, Greece. Konstantinos Chaidas, Georgios Tataris, Nikolaos Soulakellis |
29: Appropriateness Of Using Citygml Standard Version 2.0 For Developing 3d City Model In Oman Khalid Al Kalbani, Alias Abdul Rahman |
106: 3D City Modelling Toward Conservation And Management. The Digital Documentation Of Museu Do Ipiranga - Usp, San Paulo, Brazil Marcello Balzani, Luca Rossato, Fabiana Raco*, Beatriz Mugayar Kühl |
147: Investigating The Effects Of Population Growth And Urban Fabric On The Simulation Of A 3d City Model Rani EL MEOUCHE, Mojtaba ESLAHI, Anne Ruas |
34: Which Way Is 'Yildiz Amfi'? Augmented Reality Vs. Paper Map On Pedestrian Wayfinding Berk Anbaroglu, Buğra Coşkun, Hasan Gürler |
Session 16 : Smart Education & Intelligent Learning Systems 2; Chair: Asst. Prof. Dr. Nehad Ramaha, Karabuk University, Türkiye Meet Link: |
103: Piloting Competences In Lean Management Context WAFAE QJANE |
176: E-Learning At The Service Of Professionalization In Higher Education In Morocco: The Case Of Moocs Of The Maroc Université Numérique Platform Sara Rochdi, Nadia EL OUESDADI |
165: Methods And Software Tools For Automated Synthesis Of Adaptive Learning Trajectory In Intelligent Online Learning Management Systems Mariia Dutchak, Mykola Kozlenko, Ihor Lazarovych, Nadiia Lazarovych, Mykola Pikuliak, Ivan Savka |
133: Methodology to Develop Serious Games for Primary Schools Younes Alaoui, lotfi elaachak, Mohammed Bouhorma |
193: Collaborative Tutoring: A Multi-Tutor Approach Mourad Ennaji, Hadhoum Boukachour, Mustapha Machkour, Younes Kabbadj |
138: A Comparative Study Between K-Nearest Neighbors And K-Means Clustering Techniques Of Collaborative Filtering In E-Learning Environment Rajae Zriaa, Said AMALI |
Session 17 : Smart Mobility And Intelligent Infrasctructures 2; Chair: Prof. BOUDHIR Anouar Abdelhakim FSTT Morocco Meet Link: |
9: A New Distributed Startegy To Find A Bi-Objectve Optimal Path Toward A Parking In The City khaoula hassoune, Mehdi hassoune |
76: Genetic Algorithm For Optimizing Distribution With Route Restriction Constraint Due To Traffic Jams Nabil mouttaki, Jamal BENHRA, Ghita RGUIGA |
83: Geometric Feature Extraction Of Road From Uav Based Point Cloud Data Mustafa Zeybek, Serkan Bicici |
68: Study To Reduce The Costs Of International Trade Operations Through Container Traffic In A Smart Port Ouail El Imrani |
31: Smart Infrastructure and Integrated Platform of Smart and Sustainable Cities Maysoun Ibrahim |
119: 5g: Architecture Overview And Deployments Scenarios Imane Zaame, Tomader Mazri |
152: Driver Assistance System to Increase Visibility on A Foggy Road using CNN Samir Allach, Mohamed BEN AHMED and Anouar Boudhir Abdelhakim |
52: Specification Of Logistic Chain Sustainability: Environmental, Social And Economic Issues Abdelhay HADDACH |
Session 18 : Smart GIS And Territorial Intelligence; Chair: Asst. Prof. Dr. Sohaib Abujayyab, Karabuk University, Türkiye Meet Link: |
111: Tree Inventory Registration System Kezban Alpan, Boran Sekeroglu |
179: Developing A Mobile Application For Smart Real Estate Information Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu, Rabia Bovkir |
167: Using Gis-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Techniques In The Smart Cities Suleyman Sisman, Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu |
168: Climate-Smart Landscapes For Sustainable Cities Canan Cengiz, BULENT CENGIZ, AYBÜKE ÖZGE BOZ |
214: Measuring The Spatial Readiness Of Ambulance Facilities For Natural Disasters Using Gis Networks Analysis Anas Awad, Haytham Ali, Sohaib K. M. Abujayyab, Ismail. R. Karas, Dyah Respati Suryo Sumunar |
244: Mobile-Web Based Volunteered Geographic Information Application Intended For Traffic Accidents And Geometric Accuracy Analysis Hacer Kubra Sevinc, İ. R.Karas |
21: The Integration Of Bim And Gis In Construction Project – A Data Consistency Review Wan Nor Faaizah Wan Abdul Basir, Uznir Ujang, Zulkepli Majid, Suhaibah Azri, Liat Choon Tan |
Session 19 : Smart Grid & Renewable Energy; Chair: Prof. Hanae EL KALKHA ENSAT Morocco Meet Link: |
114: Machine Learning And Iot For Smart Grid Mountassir FOUAD, Mohammed BOUSMAH, Reda MALI, Abdessalam Lmouatassime |
120: Appliance-Level Monitoring With Micro-Moment Smart Plugs Abdullah Alsalemi, Yassine Himeur, Faycal Bensaali, Abbes Amira |
123: 3d High-Efficiency And High-Precision Model-Driven Modelling For Power Transmissiontower Zhengrong Wu, Hao Wang, Wenhui Yu, Jianfei Xi, Weigang Lei, Tao Tang |
124: A Method For Extracting Substation Equipment Based On Uav Laser Scanning Point Clouds Wenhui Yu, Jianfei Xi, Zhengrong Wu, Weigang Lei, Changyu Zhu, Tao Tang |
163: Multi-Layer Ws2 And Mos2 Based Plasmonic Solar Cell For Smart Energy Harvesting Zakariae Oumekloul, Younes Achaoui, Abdellah Mir, Abdellatif Akjouj |
189: Comparative Study Via Three Mppt Techniques Methods For Pv Systems Mohamed CHOUIEKH, Amine Lilane, Karim Benkirane, Mohamed Abid, Dennoun Saifaoui |
Session 20 : Smart Healthcare ; Chair: Prof. Parthasarathy Subashini, Avinashilingam University, India Meet Link: |
7: Mapping Function Algorithm For Smart Mobile Health Care System For Assisted Service Request And Delivery For Aged Personsy Israel Edem Agbehadji, Bankole Awuzie, Alfred Beati Ngowi |
127: Patient Classification Using The Hybrid Ahp-Cnn Approach Layla Aziz, Samira ACHKI |
105: Skin Cancer Prediction And Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Network (Cnn) Deep Learning Algorithm Hajar Mousannif, Hiba Asri, Mohamed Mansoura, Anas Mourahhib, Yassine Isaouy, Mouad Marmouchi |
130: Patient Transport And Mobile Health Workforce: Framework And Research Perspectives yosra lahmer, Hend Bouziri, Wassila Aggoune-Mtalaa |
236: Semantic Web and Healthcare System In IoT Enabled Smart Cities Barakat adeyinka dawood, Melike sah |
98: Security Threats In Smart Healthcare Tomader Mazri, Najlae El-BAKKOURI |
Session 21 : Smart Mobility And Intelligent Infrasctructures 3; Chair: Prof. Abdessamad EL RHARRASS EHTPC Morocco / 14h00-15h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
116: A Novel Mobile Crowdsensing Architecture For Road Safety Wahiba Abou-zbiba, Hajar El Gadi, Houda Benbrahim, Hanan El Bakkali, Driss Benhaddou |
166: Classification Of The Driver's Emotions Using A Convolutional Neural Network Abdelfettah Soultana, Faouzia BENABBOU, Nawal SAEL |
143: Toward Flexible Data Collection Of Driving Behavior Mohammed AMEKSA, Hajar Mousannif, Hassan AL MOATASSIME, Zouhair Elamrani Abou Elassad |
126: Dynamic On Demand Responsive Transport With Time-Dependent Customer Load Sonia Nasri |
196: Deep learning based driver's fatigue detection framework Zakaria Boucetta, Abdelaziz El Fazziki, Mohamed El Adnani |
74: The global performance of a service supply chain: A simulation-optimization under Arena Badr BENTALHA, Aziz HMIOUI, Lhoussaine Alla |
117: An Overview Of Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection And Classification Youssef Taki |
Session 22 : Smart Economy And Digital Business; Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mete Çelik, Erciyes University, Türkiye / 14h00-15h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
26: Leveraging Dynamicity And Process Mining In Ad-Hoc Business Process Zineb Lamghari, Rajaa SAIDI, maryam Radgui, Moulay Driss Rahmani |
42: An Efficient Collaborative Filtering And Graph Approach For Business-Matching System Anas Sabbani, Anass El HADDADI, Hayat Routaib |
89: A New Artificial Intelligence Based Strategy For Digital Marketing Reinforcement Mouna Boujrad, Yasser Lamlili |
149: Data Mining And Machine Learning Techniques Applied To Digital Marketing Domain Needs SARA Ahsain, M'hamed AIT KBIR |
182: Assessment Of Blockchain Technology Adoption Factors And Scenarios Within The Economy Of Latvia Natalija Kostrikova |
88: Svm : An Approach To Detect Illicit Transaction In The Bitcoin Network Abdelaziz Elbaghdadi, Soufiane Mezroui, Ahmed El Oualkadi |
Session 23 : Smart Security 1; Chair: Prof. Yassine SADQI FSTB Morocco / 14h00-15h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
142: Fall Detection For Pedestrians In Video-Surveillance Wassima AITFARES |
53: The Security Of Mqtt Above The Applications Protocols For Iot Imane Sahmi, Tomader Mazri, Nabil Hmina |
65: Hardware Trojan Detection In Heterogeneous Systems On Chip Mohammed Redjimi, Billel Guechi |
84: Security Study Of Routing Attacks In Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (Vanets) Youssef Khayati, Tomader Mazri |
66: A Study Of Smart Campus Environment And Its Security Attacks Ghizlane IKRISSI, Tomader Mazri |
132: An Open Source Mail Server Migration Experience: Iredmail Nuh Azgınoğlu |
Session 24 : 3D Modelling & Augmented Reality 2; Chair: Dr Ali Jamali, Iran / 14h00-15h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
150: Digital Models And 3d Visualization In Archaeological Contexts. The Survey Of The Tombs Of The Kings In The City Of Verghina In Macedonia LUIGI CORNIELLO, ANGELO DE CICCO |
173: 3D Documentation Of Göreme Saklı Church SÜMEYYE ERTÜRK, leyla kaderli |
221: Lidar Drived 3D City Modelling Nizar Polat |
122: 3D Geomatric Extraction Using Point Cloud Segmentation for Asset Management Syameer Faiz Khir Anuar, Amalin A'ishah Mohd Nasir, Suhaibah Azri, Uznir Ujang |
216: A Review Of The Distinguishing Features Of The Historical Buildings In Safranbolu Region For The Purpose Of Classification For Semantically Enhanced 3d Building Model Mustafa Aksin, İ. R.Karas |
151: Virtual Reality–Enhanced soft and hard skills development environment for Higher Education
l Abdelouahab Abid |
Session 25 : Smart Devices & Softwares: Chair: Prof. Nabil BENAYA FSTH Morocco / 15h45-17h15 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
101: Design Of A New Cp Microstrip Patch Antennas For Wpt To A Uav At 5.8gh Salah IHLOU, Hafid Tizyi, Abdelmajid Bakkali, Ahmed El Abbassi, Jaouad Foshi |
184:Investigation Of Ultrasonic Opacity Based On Quarter-Wave Mode Resonance Using A Two-Dimensional Silicon Phononic Crystal Abdelfattah El madani, Saad Bensallam, Majid Idrissi, Mahmoud Addouche, Aliyasin El Ayouch, Abdelkrim Khelif, Abella Bouaaddi, Younes Achaoui, Hicham Jakjoud |
137: A 3-Dof Cable-Driven Robotic Ankle Rehabilitation Device Romel Saysay, Renann Baldovino |
187: A Cognitive Radio Spectrum Sensing Implementation based on Deep Learning and Real Signals Mohammed SABER, Abdellah Chehri, Abdessamad El Rharras, Rachid Saadane, Mohammed Wahbi |
201: Design of Folded Dipole with U Shaped Slot UHF RFID Tag using Genetic Algorithm Optimization for Healthcare Sensing Applications
ibtissame BOUHASSOUNE, Rachid SAADANE, Hasna CHAIBI, Abdellah Chehri |
141: Flexible Query Systems For Relational Databases Rachid MAMA, Mustapha Machkour, Mourad Ennaji, Karam Ahkouk |
Session 26 : Big Data & Parralel Computing; Chair: Asst. Prof. Dr. Yasin Ortakçı, Karabuk University, Türkiye / 15h45-17h15 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
59: Network Analysis Of The Stack Overflow Tags Zahir Edrees |
95: Feature Learning Of Patent Networks Using Tensor Decomposition Mohamed Maskittou, EL HADDADI ANASS, Hayat Routaib |
131: Lambda-Ivr: An Indexing Framework For Video Big Data Retrieval Using Distributed In-Memory Computation In The Cloud Muhammad Numan Khan, aftab alam, Khali Shah, Tariq Habib Afridi, Young-Koo Lee |
5: Video Big Data Analytics In The Cloud: Research Issues And Challenges Aftab Alam, Khali Shah, Muhammad Numan Khan, Tariq Habib Afridi, Irfan Ullah, Young-Koo Lee |
157: Parallel Computing For Multi-Core Systems: Current Issues, Challenges And Perspectives Soumia chokri, Sohaib Baroud, SAFA BELHAOUS, Mohammed Mestari |
237: Semantic Web and Business Intelligence in Big-Data and Cloud Computing Era Adedoyin ahmed hussain, Fadi alturjman, Melike sah |
Session 27 : Image Processing & Recognition Systems; Chair: Prof. Ehlem ZIGH, INTTIC, Algeria / 15h45-17h15 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
11: Face Sketch Recognition: Gender Classification Using Eyebrow Features And Bayes Classifier Khalid Ounachad, Mohamed Oualla, Abdelalim Sadiq |
32: Static And Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Contourlet Tronsform Roumiassa Ferhat, Fatma zohra Chelali, Salah eddine Agab |
118: Deep Learning Based 3d Face Recognition Using Derived Features From Point Cloud Muhammed Enes Atik, Zaide Duran |
144: Performance Analyses Of Aes And 3des Algorithms For Encryption Of Satellite Images Yasin ortakcı, Mohammed Yaseen Abdullah Al-Hayani |
154: Geo-Tagged Image Retrieval From Mapillary Street Images For A Target Building Naime Çelik, Emre Sümer |
170: Smart Guest Virtual Assistant With Automatic Guest Registration Mohammed Hussain, Abdullah Hussein, Mohamed Basel Almourad |
Session 28 : Industry 4.0 & Smart Factory; Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ümit Işıkdağ, Mimar Sinan University, Türkiye / 15h45-17h15 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
30: A Framework Of Integrating Condition Based Maintenance Programs And Wireless Sensor Network In The Context Of Industry 4.0 Soukaina Sadiki |
92: Modeling The Use Of Rfid Technology In Smart Processes Ihsane Abouzid |
134: A Machine Learning Approach For Initial Screening Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (Pcos) Joshua Rei Jaralba, Renann Baldovino, Homer Co |
136: Real Time Release Approach: At-Line Prediction Of Ascorbic Acid Concentration In Nutraceutical Syrup Via Artificial Neural Network Renann Baldovino, Mikhael Anthony Felipe |
Session 29 : Covid-19 2; Chair: Prof. Abdelouahab ABID Islamic University of Madinah Arabie saoudite / 17h30-18h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3)
Meet Link: |
g 210: Towards Automatic Diagnosis of the COVID-19 Based on Machine Learning El Arbi Abdellaoui Alaoui, Cédric Stéphane KOUMETIO TEKOUABOU |
175: Deep Learning Based Mask Detection in Smart Home Entries During the Epidemic Process Bahtiyar Cerit, Raif BAYIR |
195: Development of a simulator to model the spread of Coronavirus infection in a closed space Mohammad Almechkor, lotfi elaachak, Fatiha Elouaai, Mohammed Bouhorma |
8: Survey Of Global Efforts To Fight Covid-19: Standardization, Territorial Intelligence, Ai And Countries' Experiences Zineb Boudanga, Mezzour ghita, Siham Benhadou |
208: Covid -19: Performance of e-commerce in Morocco ABYRE Asma, JIBRAILI Zineb, ANOUAR Hajar |
Session 30 : Smart Security 2; Chair: Prof. GHADI Abderrahim FSTT/UAE Morocco / 17h30-18h30 Turkiye Time (UTC+3) Meet Link: |
213: Using Transfer Learning For Classificaiton Of Malwares Represented As Images PRIMA Bouchaib, Mohammed Bouhorma |
115: How Much Your Cloud Management Platform Is Secure? Openstack Use Case Najat TISSIR, Said El Kafhali, Noureddine Aboutabit |
212:Design Challenges and Assessment of Modern Web Applications Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)
Yassine Sadqi, Manal Mekkaoui |
188: International Security Standards For Critical Oil, Gas, And Electricity Infrastructures In Smart Cities: A Survey Study Cevat Ozarpa, Muhammed Ali Aydın, Isa Avcı |
The technical program will consist of, but is not limited to, the following topics of interest:
Universiti Technologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Talk Title : Smart Cities and Geo-Spatial Technologies
OpenKarakoram International University, Pakistan
Talk Title :__________________________________
OpenYildiz Technical University, Türkiye
Talk Title : Overview to the Segmentation of Satellite Images by Using Deep Learning
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished work. All accepted papers will be published as a Chapter in the Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems LNNS Book Series (SCOPUS indexed) OR as a Full Paper or Extended Abstract (Short Paper) in the ISPRS Archives (SCOPUS, ISI-CPCI, and DOAJ indexed) depending on the author's preference.
If you submit your paper for the SPRINGER, the paper must be prepared by using the template MS Word or LaTeX (12-15 pages) as PDF file.
If you submit your paper for the ISPRS Archives, the paper must follow Orange Book format (Up to the 8 pages for Full Papers. 1000-1500 words for Extended Abstracts). Click here to see an example for Extended Abstract (Short Paper). Click here to see an example for Full Paper.
According to the format of the paper you submitted, your paper will be categorized to the ISPRS or Springer. The direct link for paper submission is;
Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission), urkund plagiarism checker will be used to detect plagiarism. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three regular PC members in tow rounds of review. The number of co-authors of each article must not exceed 4. The acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, elegance, practical or theoretical impact, and presentation. Authors of high quality papers will also be invited to submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.
In order to be published, at least one of the authors of the paper must be registered and each paper must be presented virtually at the conference. All participants must register and pay the registration fees before September 25, 2020. The authors not registered until September 25, 2020, their papers will not be included in the conference program.